Mike Evans

0 3950

Remember the start of 2010 when everyone got all excited with the Nexus One and the HTC Desire? So powerful were those phones, with...
0 4312

The Samsung Nexus S, the new Gingerbread phone that Eric Schmidt was showing off the other day, might have a remarkable new display that...

Heard any news about LG lately? No, and nor have we, apart from their new Windows Mobile Phone 7 devices, and the fact that...
0 3033

Google CEO has been teasing us by showing off the Samsung Nexus S at the Web 2.0 summit. Calling the smartphone in his hand...

Which is the best Windows Phone 7 device of 2010? I know Microsoft's new mobile OS is barely a month old, but with ten...

This is a leaked picture of the Samsung Nexus S, a new Google phone that follows in the footsteps of the origianl Google Nexus...
0 4028

News of Samsung's flagship phone for 2011 has surfaced, and you'll be delighted to know it makes the Galaxy S look like an old...
Nokia N8 review
0 20193

This post features six of the best camera phones of 2010, and chooses one winner to be crowned the King of all camera phones! In...

The Samsung Continuum was officially launched yestrerday at a Samsung press event that had been widely leaked weeks before. In fact, so much was...
0 2870

We've been running a poll on MobileMentalism for the past week or so asking you which manufacturer makes your current phone. The results are...