
Microsoft kills Nokia
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So the inevitable happened and the world’s least surprising business deal was finally agreed. Microsoft bought Nokia’s devices division for a bargain price of...
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Back in the heyday of the feature phone, flagship phones such as the Nokia N95 threatened to consume every other consumer electronic device as...
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Poor HTC. After riding the Android wave from the moment Google launched its mobile OS, the Taiwanese company has achieved stellar success. Now, though,...
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The iPhone is what your Dad uses, whereas the young and cool use Android. That's what HTC's Peter Chou says, anyway, but is he...
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Crap tech, overhyped tech, ridiculous gadgets, unfulfilled promises, and the whole ridiculous nature of the hype-suckling world of gadgets and tech-blogs, all laid bear...
Google Motorola Steve Jobs and HP Touchpad

Regular readers will have noticed things have been a bit quiet around here lately due to a variety of changing circumstances. Happily, I'm back...
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Nokia's CEO Stephen Elop has been talking to his employees about the future of the company, its new priorities, and intriguingly, the new devices...
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Apple has announced its much anticipated iCloud service, as well as iOS5, the new OS for the iPhone that will be available this Autumn....
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Following on from my post listing the 5 biggest winners from MWC 2011, it's time to see who didn't come out so well...
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MWC 2011 has officially ended, leaving in its wake an absolute blizzard of news, press releases, intrigue and hands-on excitement! But who were the...